For immediate release:
August 21, 2015
Jason Davidson
Renters’ Tax Credit Deadline Approaching
- September 1 Deadline is Less Than Two Weeks Away -
Baltimore, Md. (August 21, 2015) – The Maryland Renter’s Tax Credit program’s deadline to apply is less than two weeks away. Qualified renters can receive up to $750 in tax credits.
In order to qualify for the program, renters must be:
- Age 60 or over, or 100% disabled.
- Legally responsible for the rent.
- Or, a surviving spouse of one who otherwise would have been eligible.
A resident under the age 60 who has at least one dependent under the age of 18 living with them, and has not received federal or state housing subsidies, does not reside in public housing, and the combined income of all residents of the home is below the allowable guidelines during the year they apply for the credit, could also potentially be eligible.
The deadline to apply for the 2015 credit is September 1. Waiting until the last minute is not recommended.
Applications are available at local libraries, senior centers, social security offices, as well as www.dat.maryland.gov, via email at sdat.taxcreditapp@maryland.gov or by calling the Tax Credits Telephone Service at 410-767-4433 (in Baltimore) or toll-free 1-800-944-7403.
For more information, and specific guidelines on qualifications for the Renter’s Tax Credit, please visit the agency’s www.dat.maryland.gov or call the Tax Credits Telephone Service at 410-767-4433 (in Baltimore) or toll-free 1-800-944-7403.
Follow SDAT on Twitter: @MD_SDAT and Facebook: Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation.