For immediate release:
May 8, 2015
Jason Davidson
Owners of Damaged Businesses in Baltimore City May Qualify for Tax Relief
- Relief Applies to Property Damaged During Protests -
Baltimore, Md. (May 8, 2015) – In the aftermath of the recent turmoil in Baltimore City, many business owners find themselves left with partial or total destruction of their property. For affected owners, there may be some tax relief available in the form of reduced property taxes or no property taxes for the current, and next, fiscal year.
According to the Code of Maryland §10–304, damaged property means:
- Real property that is partially damaged or totally destroyed; or
- Personal property that is totally destroyed.
The amount of tax relief varies depending on the severity of damage, as well as when during the year the damage occurred. The specific percentages can be found in the Code of Maryland.
Building owners may also be entitled to property tax relief if their property was fully or partially damaged. The Baltimore City Assessment Office has already gathered reports from the Baltimore City Fire Department and are sending assessors to the field to assess the damage to these properties. Although assessors are gathering information, it is up to the individual property owner(s) to contact SDAT to determine if they qualify for the relief, and how much relief they are entitled to.
Property owners should contact the SDAT Business Personal Property office at 410-767-1170, or via email. Owners can also contact the SDAT Baltimore City Assessment Office:
William Donald Schaefer Tower
6 Saint Paul St., 11th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202-1608
(410) 767-8250
E-mail: sdat.baltcity@maryland.gov
Follow SDAT on Twitter: @MD_SDAT and Facebook: Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation.
MEDIA CONTACT: Kim Frum 410-767-1142 (office), 410-585-4125 (cell)