Maryland Assessment Procedure Manual

Category:Tax Credits
Category No.:012
Subject No.:030
Topic:Denial Letter and Right of Appeal - Homeowners
Topic No.:30
Date Issued:10/8/1979
Revision Date:5/1/1988

Whenever an applicant is found ineligible, or not qualified for a Tax Credit, they shall be notified through a standard denial letter (HTC-18) developed by the Department [Section 9-104(l)]. The reason(s) for the determination of ineligibility shall be indicated, and the applicant will be advised where to inquire if further questions remain. The specific reasons for which a Tax Credit may be denied an applicant are: (1) untimely filing [Section 9-104(k)]; (2) insufficient legal interest [Section 9-104(a)(9)]; (3) the dwelling is not the principal residence [Section 9-104(a)(5)]; (4) the net worth limitation [Section 9-104(i)(2)]; (5) income ineligibility [Section 9-104(g)]; and (6) failure to substantiate the income reported [Section 9-104(k)(4)], and COMAR

Whenever an applicant is denied a credit for failure to substantiate the income reported or for failure to respond to the Department's request for information/forms, then the local employee should have attached to the individual's application copies of the form letters mailed out earlier trying to elicit the information. Copies of the actual form letters mailed to the applicant will document the reasonableness of the Department's complete denial of the application at any subsequent Property Tax Assessment Appeals Board hearing. Form letters HTC-14 and 14A are provided specifically for this purpose.

The standard denial letter also shall advise the applicant of their right to a formal appeal of the determination to the local Property Tax Assessment Appeals Board. The applicant must make a formal appeal in writing within thirty days of the date of the original notification of ineligibility.

Prior to the actual scheduling of any Tax Credit case before the Appeals Board, the local Supervisor of Assessments must apprise the Administrator of the Homeowners' Tax Credit Program of the factual particulars to provide an opportunity for administrative remedy.

Any appeals to the Maryland Tax Court regarding the denial of a Tax Credit will be filed on the "Various Appeals Petition," or a Maryland Tax Court Form. A factual summary of the issues presented in each case, in addition to all pleadings, notices and acknowledgments, shall be sent by the local Assessment Office to the attention of the Administrator of the Homeowners' Tax Credit Program.